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Apologetics, Creation, Featured

In the Beginning, There Was…

Let’s begin in the beginning; the beginning of the universe, that is!

(This article will attempt to explain in simplified terms the Kalam Cosmological Argument, so that it can be easily relayed to young children. Quick conversation examples and resources can be found at the bottom of the article.)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1


“I made the earth and created man on it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host.” Isaiah 45:12

The Bible is very clear about the universe’s origin: God made it. The Bible also teaches us that God didn’t make the universe out of pre-existing matter, but instead “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.”(Hebrews 11:3) For people who don’t believe in God, they must try to find other ways to explain the universe’s existence.

Some of the ways that you have probably heard people try to explain the universe may include:

  • The universe has always existed; it didn’t have a beginning.
  • The universe sprang forth from nothing without any intelligent cause.

Each of these explanations have shortcomings that keep them from being good explanations of how the universe exists today.


The Universe has Always Existed; It Didn’t Have a Beginning

This first explanation requires the universe to have existed for an infinite amount of time. Infinity is a difficult idea to understand, and that is probably why a lot of people think this explanation is possible. The difficulty of our universe existing for an infinite amount of time can be illustrated in the following way.

Imagine there is an infinite amount of train tracks extending through time. The tracks have neither beginning nor end and they go on forever and ever. You are in a train car riding along the tracks, but for every track you may travel over there is always another in its place. No matter how many train tracks you cross there are always just as many train tracks ahead of you. You can travel over an infinite number of tracks and still have an infinite number of tracks ahead of you. Do you see how it is impossible to cross infinity?  Similarly, we would never have been able to cross the infinite amount of time that it took for mankind to exist if the universe has always existed because there would always be an infinite amount of time left to cross.

(That is very complex, though this book, Infinity and Me by Kate Hosford, may be an engaging way to start the conversation with your K-5th children. However, keep in mind this book doesn’t *quite* define infinity with precision, and you will need to guide the conversation, but for black and white thinking youngsters this might help create a category for infinity.)

So, if an infinite universe is not a reasonable explanation, the universe had to have had a beginning. Naturally, the universe shows numerous signs of its beginning. It is widely accepted by mainstream scientists that the universe originated with a Big Bang and is ever expanding. This is good for Christians because we can point to the Big Bang and explain that it was caused by God.


The Universe Sprang Forth from Nothing Without Any Cause

Now, of course, if the universe had a beginning, those who do not believe in God would like to believe that the beginning of the universe had no purposeful cause, or was somehow just a happy accident. It is to this argument, that we can use a useful tool called the “Kalam Cosmological Argument.” The Kalam was thought up long ago by Islamist philosophers, proposed by Aristotle, and has more recently been defended by Dr. William Lane Craig as a way to clearly show that the universe required a cause, and that a creator like our God makes the most sense.

The Kalam goes like this:

1. Everything that has a beginning of its existence has a cause of its existence;
2. The universe has a beginning of its existence;


3. The universe has a cause of its existence

Go ahead and take a moment to try to think of anything in the world that has a beginning but doesn’t have a cause. Once you have done that, try to think of anything in the universe that has a beginning but doesn’t have a cause. Can you think of a single thing? (You may have heard people talk about virtual particles; that is beyond the scope of this article, but if you would like to learn why that is yet another unreasonable proposal, read this article from the Institute of Creation Research.) By now, you have probably realized that no, there isn’t a single thing that can be called to mind that begins to exist without a cause. Everything is made by something else, whether on purpose or accidentally. Otherwise, we might live in a world where puppies and ice cream suddenly *pop* into being out of thin air.


Puppy Ex-nihilo


While that may be fun, it is not reality, and it is likewise silly to reason that despite the fact that everything IN the universe has a beginning and a cause that makes it begin, the universe ITSELF is somehow different. To say that the universe suddenly began from nothing because of nothing for no reason, seems a bit irrational in light of everything we know about the contents of the universe. Our human experience shows us that nothing never makes something, and something never comes from nothing.


So is God the Answer to the Question?

We can’t have an infinite universe. The universe couldn’t have been caused by absolutely nothing. So we know that we live in a finite universe that was caused by something. Where does that leave us? It leaves us needing a cause that is itself causeless (otherwise we will end up with an infinite chain of caused things causing each other, which is also unreasonable) and that is able to exist completely independent of what we know to be the finite universe. This cause sounds an awful lot like our God, doesn’t it?

The Bible tells us about the nature of our creative God:

“No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” 1 Corinthians 2:7


“Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.

Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

You turn men back to dust,
saying, “Return to dust, O sons of men.”

For a thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:1-4


“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8


“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17

So what do we see again and again in the Bible? That God is timeless because He created time. That God existed before the universe began and is able to transcend infinity in a way that the universe and everything in it cannot. That God made the universe and everything in it. This is our reasonable answer to the question. It is logical, it plays by the rules of everything that we know about the universe, and it doesn’t need to presuppose that there is a God for it to work. A purposeful creator is the natural conclusion drawn by the evidence displayed by the universe.


How to Talk about the Creation of the Universe with Your Children

  1. Ask your children to try to think of anything in the world that begins without something making it begin. Explain how each thing they may mention actually begins so that they can see that nothing comes from nothing.
  2. Bake cookies(or some other prepared treat) and place them on a plate in the middle of the table. Ask your children to sit around the table and guess where the treat came from. Did it come from nowhere? Did someone make it? How do they know someone made it? Explain to them how the universe is like that treat: it is impossible for it to have appeared out of nowhere, made by no one. Enjoy the treat together!
  3. Explain infinity using the train track illustration if they ask why the universe had to have a beginning.
  4. If they ask who made God, or about God’s beginning, read to them the verses provided, or other verses of your choosing.
  5. Pick up a copy of “James & Ruth in Pig and the Accidental Oink!” a Picture Book Apologetics book that tells the story of two children learning to use the Kalam Cosmological Argument to defend their belief that God made the universe!


Resources and Further Reading:

Reasons to Believe has a wealth of resources related to the beginning of the universe. Find articles about the harmony of Scripture and nature here.

A fairly simple explanation of Dr. William Lane Craig’s explanation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.


This article was originally published on July 9, 2013, but was updated and revised on May 13, 2015.

Apologetics, Book Reviews, Creation

Book Review: How Do We Know God is Really There?

We were excited to pick up a copy of the first book in the Young Defenders series, How Do We Know God is Really There? by Melissa Cain Travis, this week. Below, we will share briefly what we found to be the pros and cons of the book.


  • Presents important Christian apologetic arguments in a children’s medium.
  • The flow of conversation seems natural, and the young character’s imagination is endearing.
  • The young character’s father is patient and thorough as he shares evidence for God’s existence.
  • This book addresses the gap. That is, the lack of Christian apologetics materials available to families with young children. We look forward to seeing the next topic addressed by Travis!
  • Written by a graduate of the well-respected Christian Apologetics Masters program at Biola University. We didn’t have to be as apprehensive about the theological undergirding of the material.
  • Good Quality. The physical product is a sturdy, 48 page, hardcover book.
  • The words are legible and readable.
  • The illustrations are full-color and full-page. From artist Christopher Voss.


  • Somewhat complex and wordy for the assumed age range. At times, the language seems appropriate for young children, but at others, it seems to be for 5th grade and older. The inconsistency may be a problem for some children.
  • At times, the writing seems unrefined. Sentence structure comes across a bit clunky here and there. We found ourselves wondering if the delivery could have been further distilled and better suited for young audiences. As it is, a parent can still explain some concepts as needed and use the book as guide for conversations.
  • The illustrations have a “rough draft” flavor. Part of us wishes they had been polished a bit more, and the other part of us realizes children will probably not be as bothered by this aspect.


Do We Recommend it?

Despite the cons that we laid out above, we think that this book is a useful, entertaining tool that can help families begin conversations about why they believe in the Christian God. It is so important to begin these discussions at a young age, and to assure our children that asking questions is encouraged and biblical. We look forward to more Young Defender books, as well as other authors stepping into the youth apologetics gap.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)



Read more about Melissa Cain Travis’ quest in Biola Magazine.


GodIsReallyThere-Cover-PicPick up a copy here: How Do We Know God is Really There? by Melissa Cain Travis (2013)


Apologetics, Biblical Difficulties

Unicorns and the Bible

This short, informative video, created by Nathan Hoffman, addresses a commonly raised objection about the accuracy of the Bible: unicorns!

We were fortunate enough to see this video shared on Facebook, and hope that it proves to be an interesting watch for you as well. Why does the Bible mention unicorns? Aren’t those things mythical? What is going on?? Watch with your kiddos, or explain what you learn to them as you read the verses provided in the video and in the article we’ve linked to below.



You can follow the link to the original article on Enjoy!


Apologetics, Articles, Book Reviews

Book Review: Case for Faith for Kids

Today we are reviewing a Christian apologetics book written for the 9 and up crowd, titled Case for Faith for Kids(Updated and Expanded). It was written by Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ, and The Case for a Creator and holder of law and journalism degrees; Rob Suggs, author and illustrator of several children’s book projects; and Robert Elmer, author of numerous novels including books for young readers.

Reading Strobel’s “The Case for…” series for the first time several years ago was a groundbreaking experience for me. It was my first foray into the land of Christian apologetics, and I quickly discovered that Strobel’s books were written in such a way that reading them never felt like drudgery, though they dealt with philosophical, historical and technical subjects. By presenting the evidence and terminology in plain language, “The Case for…”  books invite Christians to ask tough questions, think more deeply, and find solid answers about their faith, Creator, and Savior. So, as I began reading Case for Faith for Kids, I was interested to see how Strobel would present the information without causing mental fatigue and subsequent brain shutdown in young readers.

In 144 pages, Case for Faith for Kids details several common objections and assertions presented by non-believers and skeptics(and even, regrettably, some believers), and then provides reasoned answers to the objections. The authors manage to distill a wealth of logical and philosophical arguments into language and arguments that are appropriate for young readers. For example, the first subject tackled is a big question: “Why would a good god allow bad things?” In brief interview-style segments and plainly worded “bad thing” scenarios, readers are walked through a concise explanation of the nature of evil, God’s role in evil, and free will. By the end of the chapter, the problem of personal and natural evil is determined to be the result of mankind’s free will choices, rather than machinations of God. Sophisticated arguments undergird the highly accessible language and format of this and the other four chapters in Part 1 of the book.

Part 2 contains four vignettes that directly relate to the material covered in Part 1. One of the stories depicts several young people attempting to sneak into a movie showing using counterfeit tickets. The realistic scenario covers the material presented in Chapter 4 – whether the world’s religions all lead to the same God – and serves as a cautionary tale against compromising one’s morals. The book ends with an exhortation to decide which of the four “D”s the reader will become; will they become a Denier, Delayer, Departer or Delighter?

The facts + story + application approach applied by Strobel et al. seems to be an effective technique for transferring the information to young minds and then helping it to stick. For children in junior high and high school, the wording(it can seem a bit condescending to the older crowd at times as it attempts to use “hip” lingo), scenarios, and illustrations may be too childish, and the original The Case for Faith may be more edifying and suitable.

Overall, the usefulness of this book is twofold. On the one hand, for a child 9+ years of age, it is appropriate reading material and a springboard for further apologetical investigation. On the other hand, the book will prove handy for parents who would like to acquire language and examples that can be shared conversationally with older children or quickly adapted for conversations with children younger than 9.

I would recommend Case for Faith for Kids as a good tool for beginning conversations about deep, faith-related issues, firming up belief foundations, and reassuring young children that it is okay to ask the big questions.


faithforcasePick up a copy here: Case for Faith for Kids (Updated and Expanded) by Lee Strobel with Rob Suggs and Robert Elmer (2006)


Apologetics, Articles, Featured

Our Children Need to Know What They Believe

This is not the time to be a weak-minded Christian.

Today, Christians around the world face daily challenges similar(and in some cases, disturbingly identical) to the challenges God fearing men and women faced long ago in the time of the Canaanites and more recently in the time of the Romans. In Western society, a climate of persecution is percolating that should be regarded by believers with wariness, tempered trepidation and faithful determination. In the United States, we watch as absolute morality slips through the fingertips of the nation, and gives way to rampant baby killing, flagrant sexual deviance, open pursuit of a quieted Church, and inculcation of bad thinking and bad ideas at young ages in our children without our consent.

Amidst the well recognized furor surrounding same-sex marriage and reproductive rights, a different kind of furor has become in vogue; a viciousness directed toward Christianity. It is now widely acceptable to cast Christians as a bitter people group that clings to guns and religion, to use the media to depict them as judgmental hypocrites who possess unfounded faith, and to crudely mock our Lord and Savior. Let’s be honest- if you have spent 10 minutes on the internet, you’re already well aware of this reality. In all likelihood, we are descending into a period of time that will  be very difficult for our children and our children’s children. For the reasons detailed above, and countless others, we realize it is time to become more committed to equipping our children with the tools necessary to defend themselves amongst their peers, and to reassure themselves amidst the barrage of media and public opinion that tell them their hope is false and their God is not real.

As Christians, we serve a mighty, righteous, loving God, and we are co-heirs with His glorious Son, Jesus Christ. We share in a faith that has endured for ages and has stood the test of historical, archaeological, philosophical and logical scrutiny. However, instead of embracing our sure foundation and spending time studying and sharing the wealth of wisdom available to us with our children, many of us have neglected these gifts. Unfortunately, many church youth groups have become places where children are placated with candy and other time-passing activities. Now it is our hope that we can begin, as a body, to challenge and encourage our youth instead of giving them spiritual milk and the disservice of sheltered naivety.

Christian apologetics- reasoned arguments or writings in defense of our religious doctrine- is an extremely useful tool to help us understand and defend our faith. At Youth Apologetics Network, we hope to supply articles, resources, reviews of resources, upcoming event information and more, that are created by educated, reliable and respected individuals and geared toward young people- from kindergarten to high school age. By using proven arguments and verified facts and re-presenting them in a way that is understandable to young children, we are confident that God will bless this work and raise up a generation of informed, secure and gracious lovers of Christ. Though the future for our children may be marked by adversity, we rejoice in the fact that they need not be alone or ill-equipped.

We welcome contributions of materials and articles to the site, and look forward to building a network of fellow believers dedicated to emboldening our youth in their faith.