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The Biggest Story

Book Reviews

Book Recommendation: The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung

It’s been quiet on our blog the last two weeks, but not quiet in our home! Our boys have returned to school (we are a public school family), and getting back in the swing of things for our house takes a little extra time. We have taken a step back to see how we can improve our parenting and the discipleship of our children. One of the tools we picked up last week was “The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden,” written by Kevin DeYoung, illustrated by Don Clark and published by Crossway.

It is a beautifully illustrated book (seriously wonderful), but more importantly than that, it will help us tie together the stories that our boys have been learning since they’ve joined our family. The Bible isn’t a disjointed collection of books and stories and we want them to be able to see the overarching story and purpose. Plus, right now their vocabulary isn’t quite large enough to understand most of what we read straight from the Bible, so we are still relying on assistance from other books.

Why am I sharing this on an apologetics blog? Well, if we aren’t well-rooted in Scripture and the firm faith that grows out of that foundation, what are we bothering to defend?

Check out an excerpt and description here: The Biggest Story

Buy it on Amazon here.

Here is the book trailer: