We hope you will find this list of collected bits from around the web interesting and useful today. This week we focus on the problem of evil(why does a good God allow pain and suffering?) and end with a wonderful article about why it matters to think about these things. Let us know what you think, or if you’ve seen something else that we missed! Be sure to also check out the Picture Book Apologetics project on Kickstarter. We greatly appreciate your support!
Posts from Around the Web
- William Lane Craig responds to reader question, “Why does God permit suffering to continue?”
- Why Would a Good God Behave So Badly? by J Warner Wallace on the Poached Egg.
- Also from J Warner Wallace, Why Would a Good God Allow Pain and Suffering?
- An answer to “Why does God allow evil?” by Josh McDowell on bethinking.org.
- With all of this evil and suffering, “If You’re Honest, You’re Depressed(or You’re a Christian)” by Dr. Clay Jones
- A lecture by Dr. Clay Jones on Answering the Problem of Evil, on YouTube.
- Dr. Mark Talbot speaks about his forthcoming book tentatively entitled, When the Stars Disappear: Why Christians Suffer. Listen here.
Kid Friendly
While the rest of the material posted here is suitable for teenagers and useful for parents who want to better understand the problem of evil in order to respond to children’s questions, this download is specifically for kids!
- Just fill in your name and email to download a question and answer pdf that touches on the problem of evil, and even pluralism, in child friendly terms: From Focus on the Family
Around Twitter
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9
— Mark Driscoll (@PastorMark) August 9, 2013
We can ignore pleasure, but pain insists upon being attended to. God.. shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.
— C. S. Lewis (@CSLewisDaily) August 5, 2013
Why It Matters
- Believing for No Reason by Clint Roberts. “To ask “why” is to solicit a reason for the truth of something. What begins in childhood is supposed to continue throughout the course of life. We believe things on account of other things, or in words, for reasons.“
- What happens if we don’t answer questions? How about if we compromise on the Gospel for the sake of being relevant? Read some insightful words here.