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high school ministry

Articles, Upcoming Events

Upcoming So Cal Event

Joshua Carvahlo from Global Gospel Movement is excited about an upcoming event geared toward high school and college aged students that are interested in spreading the Gospel. We have seen his evangelism in action, and this may be something that your family would like to prayerfully consider attending.

Movement 133 is a family of college students, high school students and spiritual parents who have united together to see revival on the college campuses of California and America. In the past 3 years, either a house of prayer or a strong prayer meeting has been established on nearly every college campus in Southern California through Movement 133 and it’s beginning to spread to high schools as well. Evangelism swept through last year with the help of the Circuit Riders and this year discipleship is being implemented more than ever. Come be a part of this incredible Student Summit and stand with us for revival on America’s college and high school campuses. #Mo133

For more info on the Student Summit visit the event page at: