Apologetics, Articles

Video: What should Christians Do With Culture?

In this presentation, John Stonestreet discusses proper Christian  posture toward culture. He contends that culture is the water that we swim in, but also asks, “For what are we responsible?” Using the examples of Hans Scholl and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John argues that all believers are Christians and something else. Christians should’nt jump from one Christian bubble to another. Instead, they should take responsibility for aspects of culture that overlap with their life.

Watch the Presentation

What Should Christians Do With Culture? With John Stonestreet (Impact 360 Institute) from Impact 360 Institute on Vimeo.

The Video’s TL;DW

John rules out escapism as an option for Christian. He concludes that Christians are called to be “hopefully engaged in the world.” Christians should ask three questions to evaluate what their cultural engagement role should be:

  1. What evil around me cannot be tolerated?
  2. What is broken around me that should be restored?
  3. What is good around me that I can protect promote and preserve?
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