Articles, Book Reviews, Creation, Intelligent Design

Picture Book Apologetics First Spanish Release

El Puerquito y el Oink Accidental is hot off the presses! Thanks to translator, Carlos Pamplona (M.A. Christian Apologetics, Biola University 2014), Picture Book Apologetics’ Pig and the Accidental Oink! is now available to our Spanish speaking friends. Paperback copies are available on Amazon and a free PDF download of the full book is available from


Mientras que Santiago y Amparo jugaban afuera, se encuentran con un puerquito salvaje gruñón quien reta su entendimiento del universo y la obra creativa de Dios. Únase a ellos mientras que aprenden a cómo pensar cuidadosamente sobre lo que creen y porqué lo creen y como su papá los enseña a defender lo que saben es verdad. Esta historia colorida estimulará conversaciones profundas, les ayudará a equipar a sus hijos con herramientas para fortalecer su fe, y los inspirará a defender sus creencias cristianas desde temprana edad.


The english version can be purchased here.


Join James and Ruth as they meet a grumpy pig that challenges their understanding of the creation of the universe. James and Ruth learn to think carefully about what they believe and why they believe it as their father teaches them how to defend their faith using the Kalam cosmological argument, common sense, and Scripture.

  • Hand drawn ink and Prismacolor pencil illustrations fill 34 full-color pages with intriguing creatures and characters.
  • Includes a helpful parent-oriented breakdown of the Kalam after the story with practical suggestions for hands-on learning.
  • Also available for Kindle (free with printed copy).
  • This books contains neither young nor old earth bias. The Big Bang is referred to briefly in the parent’s section without mention of the earth’s age.
  • Read a review by J.W. Wartick here.
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